How to Purchase Event Parking
Event Parking Purchase
Go to the UH Commuter Services online portal.
If you are a UH Student or employee, use the UH Login connected to your email.
Visitors use the regular login. (Click Login if you need to create an account)
Visitor Login
- Login with User ID and password you have created in the past.
- OR Create a new account
OR Retrieve past account information. (Please do not just create a new account!). Your User ID and/or password reset will be emailed to you within a minute!
Menu -> PERMITS -> Get Permits
Click Next>>
Select Permit to Purchase
- Select Permit or Permits in the list
- Check "I have read and understand..."
Click on Next>>
Select Vehicle
- If you have one vehicle on your account it will be preselected, otherwise choose your vehicle for this permit
- Click Add Vehicle if you do not have a vehicle on your account
Click Next>>
View Cart
- Select Payment Method
- Type in email address you want receipt to be sent to.
Click Pay Now
You will be sent to our secure payment processor. Once payment is complete, you will be returned to the Payment Receipt page.
Printing your Permit
Scroll down to the bottom area of the payment receipt page.
Display Permit
- Print on letter size paper
- Fold on dotted line
- Display face up on driver's side of the dashboard when parked.
Please click this link to go to the Commuter Services online portal